Study Overview
The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is initiating preliminary engineering and environmental studies, also referred to as Phase I, for the improvement of Illinois Route 173 (IL 173) at Keystone Road, located in unincorporated McHenry County.
The IL 173 at Keystone Road is a two-way stop controlled intersection with stop signs on Keystone Road and free-flowing traffic on IL 173. Both IL 173 and Keystone Road are 2-lane roadways with no designated turn lanes at the intersection.
IDOT initiated Phase I for IL 173 at Keystone Road to address safety concerns at this intersection which are reflected in the intersection's crash history.
As part of the Phase I process, with consideration of public input, transportation issues and concerns in the study area will be identified, evaluation of alternatives will be performed, and the preferred alternative will be selected.
Upon completion of Phase I, the project may advance to Phase II (contract plan preparation & land acquisition) and then Phase III (construction) contingent on funding availability.
Study Timeline

IDOT's Phases

* This improvement is not currently included in the Department’s FY 2024-2029 Proposed Highway Improvement Program. However, this project will be included in the Department’s priorities for future funding consideration among similar improvement needs throughout the region.

Project Team

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is the lead agency for the IL 173 at Keystone Road project. Additionally, IDOT has contracted with professional service consultants, including: